Park picnic area with tables, small trees, and plants

Alviso Adobe Park


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Alviso Adobe is a rare example of a two-story Monterey Colonial style adobe structure. The 175-year-old building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1997. In December 2005, the Authority approved an allocation of $356,837 for a restoration project that includes an orchard, garden, and outdoor activity area.
Award Date:
December 7, 2005
20% Funding Program
2087 Alivso Adobe Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035

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Other Success

Raised garden beds with community building in background

Everett N. “Eddie” Souza Park

Everett N. “Eddie” Souza Park

The Authority contributed $425,000 toward the City of Santa Clara's project to create this new 3-acre neighborhood park, originally named San Tomas Community Garden Park, located along the San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail, on the southwest corner of San Tomas Expressway and Monroe Avenue. The grant funded a community garden, open space, and picnic area.

Artistic rendering of Veggielution that depicts diverse farm visitors, walkways, solar panels, orchards, garden beds, and fields of crops

Roots Down

Roots Down

The Authority is helping to fund Veggielution’s 18-month land use planning process in partnership with the City of San José PRNS to develop a comprehensive vision for Veggielution’s six-acre community farm at Emma Prusch Farm Park in context with its historic location, natural and urban resources, and aspirations of our local community. This land use plan will guide Veggielution’s use and development of these six acres over a 15-year or more time period. A variety of unique urban agriculture and open space opportunities will be explored through the planning process, including educational signage and wayfinding, commercial kitchen space, art installations, and green technology such as rainwater capture, flood protection, and solar installation.

Children smiling together in garden

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Championing Environmental Literacy in Campbell Elementary Schools

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