Albertson Parkway paved trail with flowers, plants, and green hillside in background

Albertson Parkway


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority contributed $400,000 to help the City of San Jose transform a neglected utility corridor into a recreational parkway with a meandering trail and landscaping that includes many native plants. Interpretive signage describes bio-retention swales that are part of the project and tell the story of Gary Albertson, a highway safety activist. The parkway is named in his memory.
Award Date:
December 12, 2007
20% Funding Program
Santa Teresa neighborhood

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Other Success

Group of people in bright orange vests planting trees along neighborhood sidewalk

Nido Neighborhood Reforestation

Nido Neighborhood Reforestation

The Authority contributed funds towards the City of Campbell's Nido Neighborhood Reforestation Project, which aims to plant 116 new trees in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Central Campbell. The project will plant new, drought tolerant trees that will increase the quality of life for neighborhood residents, decrease crime, and reduce traffic speeds. These trees will also help decrease storm water runoff, remove pollution from the air, and reduce urban heat.

Farmbox Bicycle delivery loaded with supplies

Eastside Connect

Eastside Connect

Initially launched in response to COVID-19, Veggielution's Eastside Connect program serves more than 250 people per week through farm boxes, hot meals, and our onsite farm stand. Beginning in 2021, with the funding from the Open Space Authoriy, Veggielution will grow the capacity of Eastside Connect based on recommendations from our recent land use plan. By adding bike delivery, food safety certification, and value added products prepared by local residents, this program will help build a more pandemic- and climate-resilient local food system.

Kid's notes from seed dispersal educational video

Outdoor Field Trips for Title I & Special Needs Groups

Outdoor Field Trips for Title I & Special Needs Groups

With this project, the Authority will help fund standards-based outdoor education programs to students from deep-engagement communities (DEC), Title I schools, and special needs groups for three years. Funding underwrites costs for 120 Title I field trips and 75 transportation stipends, and 24 special needs field trips and transportation stipends. Authority funds will also support training staff on distance-learning/in-person instructional strategies, best practices for working with students with special needs, & cultural relevancy and racial justice.